
The electrical current in a regular business or home has enough power to cause death by electrocution. Since humans are more conductive than the earth, the electricity will try to flow through their body if there is no other easy path.

However, you can take simple precautions when working with or near electricity and electrical equipment. This will significantly reduce hazards and the risk of injury to both you, your workers and others around you.

Electric shocks can also lead to other types of injury, for example by causing a fall from ladders or scaffolds.

From a legal point of view, employers and their employees have to comply with The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016. Our electrical toolbox talk helps employers keep their employees safe and reduce accidents related to working with or near electricity and electrical equipment.

Items Covered in the Electrical Toolbox Talk

Our electrical toolbox talk is split up in following sections:

  • Introduction: Provides a summary of why electrical safety is important and should be addressed where relevant.
  • The Dangers: This section covers the health & safety risks associated with working with or near electricity and electrical equipment.
  • How Electrical Injuries Occur: Outline how electrical injuries can occur.
  • Control Measures: Defines the precautions that should be taken and include a checklist for basic electrical safety.
  • The Law: List regulations that employers are obligated to comply with when working with or near electricity and electrical equipment.
  • Toolbox Talk Questions: Includes a few questions to assess attendees understanding of the electrical toolbox talk.

Each of our toolbox talks include an additional page where relevant dangers on site can be identified and discussed, together with an attendance list where participants can be recorded and sign.

Purchase our Electrical Toolbox Talk to keep your employees safe, or take advantage of our toolbox talk packages which contains a range of our toolbox talks at a reduced price.