
HSE is short for ‘Health and Safety Executive’ and it is Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety.

They are responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of health, safety and welfare in the workplace.

As a regulator, HSE’s aim is to prevent workplace death, injury or ill health, through using a variety of methods to influence change and help people manage risks at work.

Our HSE toolbox talk helps keep employees safe and reduce health and safety issues in workplaces through educating personnel on how HSE can support with guidance on health and safety at work.

If you are considering our HSE toolbox talk, our Hazard Recognition Toolbox Talk might be of interest to you as well.

Items Covered in the HSE Toolbox Talk

This toolbox talk is split up in following sections:

  • Introduction: Introduction who HSE is and how they can support improving health and safety at work.
  • The Hazards: Various range of hazards for which HSE can support with guidance.
  • Control Measures: Outlines some of the controls HSE uses to keep you safer at work.
  • The Law: List the regulations relevant to health and safety at work.
  • Toolbox Talk Questions: Include a few questions to validate attendees understanding of the toolbox talk.

Each of our toolbox talks include an additional page where relevant hazards on site can be identified and discussed, together with an attendance list where participants can be recorded and sign.

Purchase our HSE Toolbox Talk to keep your employees safe, or take advantage of our toolbox talk packages which contains a range of our toolbox talks at a reduced price.